1. June 27-July 1 10 am-12pm Ages 11+up
  2. July 5-8 10 am-12pm Ages 7+up
  3. July 11-15 10 am-12pm Ages 11+up
  4. July 18-22 10 am-12pm Ages 7+up

These camps are Mixed levels (Beg-thru Adv)
Taught by Miss Elaine and Julia

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If you don’t have an account, you will be asked to create one. Click on: Summer Acrobatics 2016

Tuition: $125.00 week (except July 5-8th : $100)

Join Miss Elaine and Julia for a great tumbling workout. We will begin the class with a full stretch. We then work through the progressions of the basic skills before handling the harder skills. Everyone will work at their own pace and ability. A note from Elaine “Acrobatics has always been a big part of my dance curriculum and it’s something that I want to pass on to future generations. Acro was a big part of my dance training. I hope you will join me!”